Terms of Use

Chapter 1 Total Chick

Article 1 (Purpose)

The purpose of these Terms of Use is to stipulate the rights, obligations, and responsibilities of the Company and the User in using all services (hereinafter referred to as “Services”) provided by RKRN (hereinafter referred to as “Company”).
E-commerce transactions using PC communication, wireless, etc. shall also be governed by these Terms unless contrary to their nature.

Article 2 (Definitions)

  1. “Cyber Mall” refers to a virtual business place set up by the Company to provide goods or services (hereinafter referred to as “Goods, etc.”) to users by using information and communication facilities such as computers to transact goods, etc.
  2. “User” refers to members and non-members who access the Cyber Mall and receive the services provided by the Company in accordance with these Terms.
  3. “Member” means a person who has registered as a member by providing personal information to the Company, and who can continue to receive information from the Company and continue to use the services provided by the Company.
  4. “Non-Member” means a person who uses the Services provided by the Company without becoming a Member.
  5. Other terms used in these Terms shall be defined in accordance with applicable laws and service-specific guidelines.

Article 3 (Statement, Explanation, and Amendment of Terms)

  1. The Company shall post the contents of these Terms and Conditions, its name, business address (including the address of the place where consumer complaints can be handled), telephone number, parent fax number, email address, business license number, e-commerce business registration number, and personal information manager on the initial service screen (front) of the cyber mall so that users can easily understand them. However, the contents of the Terms may be made available to the user through a connected screen.
  2. The Company may amend these Terms and Conditions to the extent that they do not violate applicable laws, including the Act on the Regulation of Terms and Conditions, the Act on the Promotion of Information and Communications Network Utilization and Information Protection, the Act on Consumer Protection in Electronic Commerce, and the Consumer Self-Interest Act.
  3. If the Company revises the Terms, it shall specify the date of application and the reason for the revision and notify the current Terms and the Company’s screen from 7 days before the date of application to the day before the date of application. However, if we change the terms and conditions to the disadvantage of users, we will notify you with a grace period of at least 30 days in advance. In this case, the company will clearly compare the before and after revisions to make it easier for you to understand.
  4. If the Company amends the Terms, the amended Terms shall apply only to contracts entered into on or after the effective date, and the terms of the Terms prior to the amendment shall apply to contracts already entered into prior to the effective date. However, if a user who has already concluded a contract sends the Company an intention to be subject to the provisions of the revised Terms of Service within the notice period of the revised Terms of Service pursuant to Paragraph 4 and receives the Company’s consent, the provisions of the revised Terms of Service shall apply.
  5. The Act on Consumer Protection in Electronic Commerce, etc., the Act on Regulation of Terms and Conditions, the Guidelines for Consumer Protection in Electronic Commerce, etc. set by the Fair Trade Commission, and related laws and regulations or common practice shall govern the interpretation of these Terms and Conditions.

Chapter 2 Company Services

section 4 (provision and modification of the services)

  1. The Company provides the following services
    Providing information about goods or services and entering into a purchase contract
    Delivery of goods or services for which a purchase contract has been executed.
    ③ Other duties as determined by the company
  2. The Company may change the contents of the goods and services to be provided under future contracts if the goods or services are no longer available, such as when they are sold out or technical specifications are changed. In this case, we will immediately post a notice where we have posted the current content of the goods or services, specifying the changed content of the goods or services and the date of delivery.
  3. If the Company changes the contents of the service that it has contracted with the User to provide due to reasons such as out of stock of goods or changes in technical specifications, the Company shall immediately notify the User of the reason in a way that is notifiable to the User.
  4. In the case of the preceding paragraph, the Company shall compensate the User for any damages suffered by the User. However, we will not be liable if we prove that we were not intentionally or negligently negligent.

section 5 (discontinuance of services)

  1. The Company may temporarily suspend the provision of the Service in the event of maintenance, inspection, replacement, or breakdown of information and communication facilities such as computers, interruption of communication, etc.
  2. In the case of service interruption under Paragraph 1, the Company shall notify the User in the manner set forth in Article 8.
  3. The Company shall not be liable for any damages suffered by the User or a third party due to the temporary suspension of the provision of the Service due to Paragraph 1, unless the Company is not intentionally negligent.

Chapter 3 Terms of Service

Section 6 (Membership)

  1. The User may become a member of the Cyber Mall free of charge, and shall apply for membership by filling in the membership information on the registration form prescribed by the Company and expressing his/her agreement to these Terms.
  2. By accepting your application for membership, the Company completes the registration process and grants you an account to use the Company’s services (“Account”).
  3. The Company shall register users who apply for membership pursuant to Paragraph 1 as members unless they fall under any of the following items.
    (1) If the applicant for membership has previously lost membership pursuant to Article 7.3 of these Terms and Conditions, except in cases where the Company has approved the re-registration of membership after three years have passed since the loss of membership pursuant to Article 7.3.
    The registration is false, misleading, or incorrect.
    ③ If it is determined that registering as an Other Member would significantly impede the Company’s technology.
    ④ You are under the age of 14 and do not have the consent of a parent or other legal guardian.
  4. Signup is complete when the company’s acceptance reaches the user who applied to join.
  5. If there is any change in the membership information registered with the Company, the Member shall immediately notify the Company or correct such change in accordance with the method prescribed by the Company.

Section 7 (Termination of Membership and Disqualification, etc.)

  1. A Member may request to leave the Company at any time and the Company will process the Member’s withdrawal immediately.
  2. The Company may restrict and suspend a Member’s membership if the Member falls under any of the following grounds.
    You registered false information when applying for membership
    Failure to pay the price of goods purchased using the Company’s services or other debts incurred by the Member in connection with the use of the Company’s services on the due date.
    You stole someone else’s ID and password or their personal information.
    ④ threaten the order of e-commerce, such as interfering with others’ use of the Company’s services or stealing their information.
    Use the Company to engage in any act prohibited by law or these Terms and Conditions or contrary to public order and morals.
    ⑥ Intentionally interferes with the operation of other services.
  3. After the Company restricts or suspends your membership, the Company may terminate your membership if the same behavior is repeated two or more times or if the cause is not corrected within 30 days.
  4. If the company terminates your membership, we’ll cancel your enrollment. In this case, we will notify the member and give them at least 30 days to show cause before terminating their membership.

Section 8 (Notices to Members)

  1. If we make notices to you, we may do so to the e-mail address or cell phone number you have registered with us.
  2. For notices to an unspecified number of Members, the Company may substitute individual notices by posting on a service bulletin board or otherwise.

Chapter 4 Purchase contracts and payments

Article 9 (Purchase Application)

The User shall apply for purchase from the Company by the following or similar methods, and the Company shall provide each of the following information in an easy-to-understand manner when the User applies for purchase.

  1. Search and select goods and more
  2. Enter your name, address, phone number (or cell phone), email address, etc.
  3. Confirmation of the terms and conditions, services with limited right of withdrawal, and costs such as shipping and installation fees.
  4. Application for purchase of goods, etc. and confirmation thereof or consent to the Company’s confirmation thereof
  5. Choose a payment method

Article 10 (Formation of Purchase Agreement)

  1. The Company may not approve the purchase application under Article 9 if any of the following items apply. However, if you enter into a contract with a minor, you must disclose that the contract can be canceled by the minor or his/her legal representative if the consent of the legal representative is not obtained.
    The application contains false information, omissions, or errors.
    Minors purchase goods and services prohibited by the Youth Protection Act, such as tobacco, alcohol, etc.
    ③ If we determine that accepting any other purchase application would significantly impair our technology.
    ④ Violate other applicable laws and government guidelines.
  2. The purchase contract shall be deemed to have been concluded when the Company’s acceptance reaches the User in the form of the receipt confirmation notice in Article 12.1.
  3. The Company’s acceptance shall include confirmation of the User’s purchase application and information regarding the availability of the sale, cancellation of the correction of the purchase application, etc.

Section 11 (Payment Methods)

  1. Payment for goods or services purchased by the Company may be made in any of the following ways However, the Company may not collect any notional fees in addition to the price of goods or services for the User’s payment method.
    ① Various account transfers such as phone banking, internet banking, etc.
    Pay by card, including prepaid, debit, and credit cards.
    ③ Online Direct Deposit
    ④ Payment by electronic money
    ⑤ Payment by company-issued points, such as miles, etc.
    ⑥ Payment by gift certificates contracted with the Company or recognized by the Company
    ⑦ Payment by other electronic payment methods, etc.
  2. The user is responsible for the information entered by the user in connection with the payment of the purchase price, and if the payment is not made within a reasonable period of time after the subscription of the goods or services, the Company may cancel the order.
  3. The Company may verify whether the Buyer has a legitimate right to use the Payment Method and, if necessary, suspend the transaction and request the submission of supporting documentation.

Article 12 (Confirmation of Receipt – Changes and Cancellations)

  1. The Company will send a confirmation of receipt to the user if there is a purchase application from the user.
  2. The user who receives the receipt confirmation notice may request to change or cancel the purchase application immediately after receiving the receipt confirmation notice if there is a discrepancy in the expression of intention, and the Company shall process the request without delay if there is a request from the user before delivery.
  3. If the user who received the receipt confirmation notice pays, the provisions of Article 15 regarding withdrawal of subscription, etc. shall apply.

Article 13 (Supply of Goods, etc.)

  1. The Company shall take other necessary measures such as customization, packaging, etc. to deliver the Goods within 7 days from the date of the User’s order, unless there is a separate agreement with the User regarding the timing of delivery of the Goods. However, we will take action within two business days of the date we have already received all or part of the payment for the Goods. In this case, the Company will take appropriate measures to allow the user to check the procedure and progress of the supply of goods, etc.
  2. In the event of holidays and other closures or force majeure events, such as natural disasters, we will exclude those days from the delivery period.

Section 14 (Refunds)

If the Company is unable to deliver or provide the goods that the User has applied to purchase due to reasons such as being out of stock, the Company shall notify the User of the reason without delay, and if the Company has received payment for the goods in advance, the Company shall refund the payment within 3 business days from the date of receipt or take necessary measures to refund the payment.

Article 15 (Withdrawal of Offer, etc.)

  1. Users who have concluded a contract with the Company for the purchase of goods may withdraw their offer within 7 days from the date of receipt of the confirmation of receipt. However, if the supply is made later than when you received the notice, you may withdraw your offer within 7 days of receiving the goods.
  2. You are not eligible for returns and exchanges if you have received a shipment of goods or services and any of the following apply
    ① If the value of goods, etc. has been significantly reduced by the user’s use or partial consumption
    The value of the goods has decreased significantly over time to the extent that it is difficult to resell them.
    ③ If the packaging of the original goods, etc. is damaged if it can be duplicated with goods with the same performance, etc.
    ④ Other cases prescribed by presidential decree for the safety of transactions
  3. In the case of Paragraph 2, Items 2 through 4, the Company shall not restrict the user’s right to withdraw from the subscription unless the Company has taken measures such as specifying the fact that the withdrawal of the subscription is restricted in advance in a place where the consumer can easily understand it or providing a trial product.
  4. Notwithstanding the provisions of Paragraphs 1 and 2, if the contents of the Goods differ from the display or advertisement or are performed differently from the contract, the User may withdraw his/her subscription within 3 months from the date of delivery of the Goods and within 30 days from the date of knowing or being able to know the fact.

Article 16 (Effect of Withdrawal of Offer, etc.)

  1. If the Company receives the goods, etc. from the User, the Company shall refund the price of the goods, etc. already paid within 3 business days. In this case, if the Company delays the refund of goods, etc. to the User, the Company shall pay delay interest calculated by multiplying the delay period by the delay interest rate prescribed by the Fair Trade Commission.
  2. In refunding the above payment, the Company may request the business that provided the payment method to suspend or cancel the charge for the goods or services without delay if the purchaser paid for the goods or services by credit card or payment method prescribed by the Electronic Financial Transaction Act, etc.
  3. In the event of withdrawal, the user shall bear the costs of returning the supplied goods, etc. The Company will not charge you any penalties or damages for withdrawing your subscription. However, if the contents of the Goods differ from the display or advertisement or are performed differently from the contract, the Company shall bear the cost of returning the Goods.
  4. If you have to pay shipping costs when you receive goods or services, we will clearly indicate who bears the costs when you withdraw from the offer.

Chapter 5 Obligations of the contracting parties

Article 17 (Privacy and Use)

  1. When we collect your information, we collect the minimum information necessary to provide the Service. However, we collect personal information if we need to verify your identity to fulfill our obligations under applicable laws.
  2. The Company must obtain your consent when collecting your personally identifiable personal information.
  3. The personal information provided shall not be used for any purpose or provided to any third party without the consent of the user, and the Company shall bear all responsibility for the same. The following exceptions apply
    (1) For shipping purposes, we provide the shipping carrier with the minimum information about you (name, address, cell phone number) necessary to make the delivery.
    ② Personal information necessary for the fulfillment of a contract for the provision of information and communication services, and it is significantly difficult to obtain general consent due to economic or technical reasons.
    ③ Necessary for settlement of payments for transactions involving goods or services.
    ④ If it is necessary to verify your identity to prevent fraud
    If there is an unavoidable reason required by the provisions of the law or by law
    ⑥ Providing the user’s information necessary for consultation services to a company that handles prompt inquiries and user complaints.
    ⑦ Providing the minimum information for identification (name, mobile phone number, product reviews, etc.) to the affiliate as agreed upon at the time of registration for each affiliate to proceed with the affiliate business.
  4. If the Company is required to obtain the User’s consent under Paragraphs 2 and 3, the Company shall specify or notify the matters stipulated in Article 22 of the Act on Promotion of Information and Communications Network Utilization, etc. in advance, including the identity of the person in charge of personal information management (affiliation, name and phone number, and other contact information), the purpose of collecting and using the information, and matters related to the provision of information to third parties (recipient, purpose of provision, and content of information to be provided), and the User may withdraw this consent at any time.
  5. You may request access to and correction of errors in your personal information held by the Company at any time, and the Company shall be obligated to take the necessary measures to do so without delay. If you request the correction of an error, we will not use the personal information until the error is corrected.
  6. The Company limits the number of administrators to minimize the number of administrators to protect personal information and assumes all responsibility for any damages caused by the loss, theft, leakage, falsification, etc. of the user’s personal information, including credit card, bank account, etc.
  7. The Company or any third party receiving personal information from it will destroy such personal information without delay when the purpose for which it was collected or for which it was provided has been fulfilled.
  8. When the Company collects, uses, provides, etc. personal information of members, it obtains the consent of the members in accordance with the Act on Promotion of Information and Communications Network Utilization and Information Protection, etc.
  9. You may withdraw your consent to the collection and use of the personal information you have provided to us at any time if you wish, and withdrawal of consent is accomplished by withdrawing your membership.

* For more specific information regarding personal information, please see the Privacy Policy.

Article 18 (Obligations of the Company)

  1. The Company shall use its best endeavors to provide the Goods or Services continuously, reliably and in accordance with these Terms.
  2. The Company shall have a security system to protect your personal information (including credit information) so that you can use the Service safely.
  3. The Company shall be liable to compensate users for any damages caused to them by displaying or advertising goods or services in violation of the provisions of Article 3 of the Act on Fairness of Display and Advertising.
  4. We do not send commercial emails to users who have expressly opted out.

Section 19 (Member’s Obligations with Respect to His Account)

  1. Except as provided in Article 18, the Member is responsible for the management of the Member’s account and the information (ID, password) that allows access to the account.
  2. Any activity that occurs through a member’s account, such as purchases or posts, is considered to be the activity of the member who owns the account. As a result, members may not rent or transfer their accounts to others.
  3. If you become aware that your ID and password have been stolen or that a third party is using your account, you must notify us immediately and follow our instructions, if any.
  4. The Company shall not be liable for any damages caused to the Member due to the Member’s violation of Paragraphs 1, 2, and 3 above.

Section 20 (Your Obligations)

  1. The User shall comply with the matters notified by the Company, including the relevant laws, the provisions of these Terms and Conditions, and the User Guide.
  2. The Company may suspend the use of all or part of the Service or arbitrarily terminate the Service Use Agreement if the Member engages in any of the prohibited acts in this Article, in which case the Member shall be responsible for any damages incurred. The Company may notify relevant governmental or law enforcement authorities of a Member’s prohibited conduct if necessary.
  3. The user shall not engage in any of the following acts in connection with the use of the Company’s services.
    ① Registering false information when registering personal information (including in the case of change)
    Arbitrarily changing information posted on the company’s cyber mall
    Transmitting or posting information (such as computer programs) that is not authorized by the Company.
    Infringement of intellectual property rights such as copyrights of the Company or other third parties
    Damage the reputation or interfere with the work of the Company or other third parties.
    ⑥ Disclosing or posting obscene or violent messages, images, voices, or other information against public order and morals on the screen
    ⑦ Repeated abnormal purchasing behavior that interferes with the company’s business
    ⑧ Using the services provided by the Company by stealing third party information such as other people’s names, card information, account information, address information, etc.
    ⑨ Using abusive language against customer service workers
    ⑩ Other illegal or unfair acts against public order and morals

Chapter 6 Using add-on services

Section 21 (Mileage)

  1. A company may award a certain number of miles to a member when the member purchases a product, writes a product review, or when the member converts affiliate points. However, if you cancel or return an item after purchasing it, the Company will reimburse you for the mileage awarded to you at the time of purchase. Other specific operating methods are governed by the Company’s operating policies.
  2. Miles may be redeemed for the cash value of merchandise on an as-available basis (except for items with prior notice of non-availability), but are not refundable as cash. Additionally, the Mileage Service is only available to members and is not transferable to others.
  3. Miles cannot be combined or transferred between accounts and can only be redeemed through the account to which they were awarded.
  4. Mileage awarded is valid for five years from the date of grant. However, if the Company sets a different expiration date, it will be honored. Miles that have expired will be automatically forfeited.
  5. If a member of the Company has no transactions for one year and has fewer than 5,000 miles earned, they will be considered an inactive member and the Company will reclaim their earned miles.
  6. If you cancel your membership, your miles will be forfeited immediately.
  7. If we find that you have earned Miles by fraudulent means, we may take other actions, including recovering your Miles, deleting your account, and criminal prosecution.

Section 22 (Deposits)

  1. When a member returns or cancels a purchase from your company, they can keep the refund as a deposit if they want.
  2. Deposits can be used like cash for future purchases, and members can get their money back if they want.
  3. Deposits have no expiration date and can be used with no minimum purchase amount limit.

Article 23 (Discount Coupons)

  1. The Company may issue discount coupons to members who use the Purchase Service to receive a certain amount or percentage discount on the purchase of specified products.
  2. Discount coupons refer to bonus coupons, branded coupons, and any other coupons that offer discounts within your company’s services.
  3. The Member may only use the Discount Coupon for the Member’s own purchases through the account to which it was issued, and may not sell or transfer it for value to any other person under any circumstances.
  4. Discount coupons cannot be combined or moved between accounts and can only be redeemed through the account where the coupon was issued.
  5. Discount coupons may be restricted to certain items or amounts, or based on quantities available per member, and cannot be used after their expiration date.
  6. In principle, discount coupons can be reused if a refund is issued due to cancellation or return after purchasing a product using a discount coupon; however, some coupons that cannot be reused, such as some coupons that cannot be reused and cancellation of purchase due to simple change of mind, may not be reused according to the Company’s operating policy.
  7. If you cancel your membership, your discount coupon will be forfeited immediately.

Chapter 7 Miscellaneous

Article 24 (Attribution of Copyright and Use of Works)

  1. All rights, including intellectual property rights, in the Services provided by the Company to Members shall remain with the Company.
  2. All rights, including copyrights, to videos or photos, posts and hashtags used by members in the course of using the Services (hereinafter referred to as “Posts, etc.”) belong to each member unless otherwise indicated.
  3. The user shall not reproduce, transmit, publish, distribute, broadcast, or otherwise use for commercial purposes or cause a third party to use the information obtained through the use of the Service without the prior consent of the Company.
  4. Posts and the like may appear on internet sites and mobile applications operated by the Company, and may also appear in search results or related promotions. They may also be modified, edited, and published to the extent necessary for that exposure. In this case, the Company complies with the provisions of the Copyright Act, and members can take measures such as deletion or non-disclosure of such posts at any time through the customer center or the management function within each service.
  5. The Member authorizes the Company to use the posts posted by the Member on the Service for the following purposes, both domestically and internationally.
    ① Reproduction, transmission, exhibition of posts, etc. within the Service (including when the Service is provided in the form of entering a certain area of a site or media operated by a third party) and modification of posts in a way such as converting or simplifying the size without changing the content of the posts in order to expose the best posts on the Service screen
    ② To cause all or part of the postings to be reported or broadcast to the media, telecommunications companies, etc. for the purpose of promoting the Company’s services. In this case, the Company does not provide member information to media and telecommunications companies without the individual consent of the member.
  6. The Company may change or move the placement of posts for reasons such as the policies of the Service or integration between services operated by the Company, in which case the Company will notify you in advance.
  7. If you terminate the Agreement, or we terminate the Agreement, your posts on the Services will be deleted. However, posts that are posted in the public service, such as posts reposted by other members or third parties, and are necessary for other members to use the service normally will not be deleted.
  8. The Company shall obtain the consent of the Member in advance if it intends to use the Member’s postings in a manner other than the preceding paragraph.

Section 25 (Moderation and Restrictions on Use of Posts)

  1. All posts and content on the Service are owned and operated by the author or the member who posted them, and members can manage their own posts through the management features provided, such as deleting or editing content. However, if requested by a member or otherwise deemed necessary by the Company for the smooth operation of the Service, the Company may improve and support matters related to the management of posts, etc.
  2. If the Company recognizes that a member’s postings, etc. contain content that violates applicable laws or that a postings, etc. posted on the Service infringes on the rights of a third party, such as invasion of privacy or defamation, the Company may take measures such as suspension or deletion of such postings, etc. in accordance with applicable laws or the request of a legitimate right holder.
  3. The Company may delete or change any postings (including forwarding between members) posted by a member on the Service without prior notice even without a report from the member or a third party if the Company determines that the postings fall under any of the following cases, and the Company shall not be liable for any such deletion or change.
    (1) The content is defamatory or libelous of the Company, other Members, or third parties.
    Posting content that violates public order and morals.
    ③ The content of the post is believed to be linked to criminal activity.
    ④ The content infringes on the copyright of the Company, the copyright of a third party, or other rights of others.
    The content is unrelated to the services provided by the company.
    ⑥ Posting unnecessary or unauthorized commercial advertisements or promotions.
    ⑦ If the content was created by unauthorized theft of another person’s ID, name, etc. or if the content falsified or altered information entered by another person.
    ⑧ If it defeats the purpose of the post, such as posting multiple duplicates of the same content.
    ⑨If it is deemed to be in violation of other relevant laws and regulations and detailed usage guidelines for each service of the Company.
  4. Any member or third party whose rights have been infringed, such as when another member’s publicly available postings invade his/her privacy or defame his/her reputation, in accordance with the provisions of the Act on Promotion of Information and Communications Network Utilization and Information Protection, etc. may request the Company to delete such postings or post rebuttal contents by proving the infringement. In this case, if the Company is unable to determine whether the post infringes the rights of the post, etc. or if a dispute between the parties is expected, the Company will take measures to temporarily block access to the post, etc. (hereinafter referred to as “temporary measures”) for the period of temporary measures determined by the Company.
  5. A member whose posts, etc. have been temporarily blocked may request the Company to restore such posts, etc. (hereinafter referred to as “repost request”), and the Company shall decide whether to restore such posts, etc. on behalf of the poster and the applicant for deletion, etc. if there is consent of the poster and the applicant for deletion, etc. to the request for deliberation by the Korea Communications Review Commission on the judgment of defamation, etc. of the temporarily blocked posts, and if there is no consent, the Company shall decide whether to restore the posts, etc. If there is a repost request from the publisher, the decision of the Korea Communications Review Commission or the Company, if any, within the temporary measure period will be followed, and if the decision is not within the temporary measure period, the post, etc. will be restored after the expiration date of the temporary measure. If there are no repost claims, the post, etc. will be deleted after the temporary measure expires.
  6. If another member or a third party takes civil or criminal legal action (e.g., criminal prosecution, filing of a civil lawsuit such as a provisional injunction or claim for damages) against the member or the Company based on infringement of legal interests due to the member’s postings, the Company may temporarily restrict access to the relevant postings until the court’s final judgment resulting from such legal action is made. The burden of proof for any legal action related to restricting access to posts, etc. and the burden of proof for a court’s final judgment is on the person requesting action against the posts, etc.

Section 26 (Indemnification)

  1. The Company shall not be liable if it is unable to provide the Service due to natural disasters, force majeure, or other reasons beyond the reasonable control of the Company.
  2. The Company shall not be liable if the Service cannot be provided due to reasons attributable to the User.
  3. The Company shall not be liable for any failure of the User to obtain the expected profit from the use of the Service or for any damage caused by the use of materials obtained through the Service.
  4. The user shall be responsible for the reliability or accuracy of the information, data, facts, etc. posted by the user on the screen, and the Company shall not be liable for any damage caused to the user or a third party due to inaccuracy or falsity of the content.
  5. The Company shall not be liable for any damage caused to the User or any third party due to the User’s intentional or negligent acts or omissions in connection with the use of the Service.

Section 27 (Linking of Sites)

  1. Your company can link to other sites by way of hyperlinks (hyperlinks include text, pictures, and statues).
  2. We are not responsible for your own transactions in goods or services with such linked sites.

Article 28 (Provision of Information and Placement of Advertisements)

  1. In operating the Service, the Company may post various information on the Service screen or provide it to members by e-mail and letter mail.
  2. The Company may place advertisements on the homepage, service screens, text messages, e-mails, etc. in connection with the operation of the Service.
  3. Any communications or transactions that you may have with advertisers, such as by using advertisements displayed on the Service or participating in advertisers’ promotional activities through the Service, are solely between you and the advertiser. If any problems arise between the Member and the Advertiser, the Member and the Advertiser shall resolve them directly, and the Company shall not be held responsible for any such problems.

Section 29 (Dispute Resolution)

  1. The Company operates a customer center to reflect legitimate opinions or complaints raised by users and to compensate for damages.
  2. We prioritize complaints and comments submitted by users. However, if it is not possible to process the request promptly, the user will be notified immediately of the reason and the processing schedule.
  3. If a user applies for damage relief in connection with an e-commerce dispute between the Company and the user, the dispute may be mediated by the Korea Fair Trade Commission or a dispute mediation organization commissioned by the city or provincial governor.

Section 30 (Jurisdiction and Governing Law)

  1. Lawsuits concerning e-commerce disputes between the Company and the User shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the district court having jurisdiction over the User’s address at the time of filing, or if there is no address, the district court having jurisdiction over the User’s residence. However, if your address or residence is not clear at the time of filing, or if you are a foreign resident, we will file a lawsuit in a court of competent jurisdiction under the Civil Procedure Law.
  2. The laws of the Republic of Korea shall apply to e-commerce disputes between us and you.
  • Terms of Use version number : v1.
  • Current Terms of Use Notice Date: August 9, 2021