About RKRN

For a longer-lasting and more delightful everyday life

RKRN designs products for those who want to use things longer and live a better life. Because we respect those who carefully purchase items and do not discard them easily. To create long-lasting objects and furniture, we use durable materials, suggest assembly methods that make repairs easy, and design modular systems that can be added, subtracted, or replaced. We believe that the traces of time and stories added to products have beauty and value.



When building a product seemed daunting, Chris Anderson’s book Makers was a huge inspiration. One of my favorites was the talk about open source and sharing. It gave me the courage to take on challenges and taught me the value of making and using things I needed. We want to share RKRN’s experience with anyone who shares these values, and anyone who wants to start making and fixing things.
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The furniture we use is the result of someone’s need, someone’s creativity, and someone’s craftsmanship. Although there are plenty of options available on the market, there are still people who choose to spend more time and money to create the furniture they need with their own ideas.
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We actively collaborate to expand our thinking and spread our message.
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We create products that are durable and easy to repair, ensuring they won’t be discarded and can accumulate memories with the user over a long period of time.
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We select and introduce products that pair well with RKRN products.
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With the belief that even small details can create a lasting impression, we design and manufacture hardware and make it available for everyone.
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